soo_txp_obj API Documentation
soo_txp_query Member List
This is the complete list of members for soo_txp_query, including all inherited members.
$limit | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
$offset | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
$order_by | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
$table | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
$where | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
__call($request, $args) | soo_obj | |
__construct($table, $key=null) | soo_txp_query | |
__get($property) | soo_obj | |
__toString() | soo_obj | |
andor($join= 'and') (defined in soo_txp_query) | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
asc($col) | soo_txp_query | |
clause_string() | soo_txp_query | [protected] |
count() | soo_txp_query | |
desc($col) | soo_txp_query | |
in($column, $list, $join= '', $in=true) | soo_txp_query | |
key_column($key_value=null) | soo_txp_query | |
limit($limit) | soo_txp_query | |
not_in($column, $list, $join= '') | soo_txp_query | |
offset($offset) | soo_txp_query | |
order_by($expr, $direction= '') | soo_txp_query | |
order_by_field($field, $list) | soo_txp_query | |
properties() | soo_obj | |
property_names() | soo_obj | |
quote($identifier) | soo_txp_query | [static] |
regexp($pattern, $subject, $join= '') | soo_txp_query | |
where($column, $value, $operator= '=', $join= '') | soo_txp_query | |
where_clause($clause, $join= '') | soo_txp_query |
Generated on Fri Jan 7 2011 14:35:01 for soo_txp_obj by Doxygen 1.7.1