Sources & Bibliography
Published books & documents
Nearly all of these can be found in the North Carolina Collection, housed in Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina. The NCC is a remarkable resource for the North Carolina genealogist.
This list will be added as soon as I can get around to it!
Unpublished documents
Collected by the family.
Boney Family Records, 1765-1961, compiled by Annette Boney Edgerton. This document goes all the way back to Wimberk, but in Landrons lineage it loses the thread between Timothy and his son Daniel. It states that Research has not established whom the parents of this Daniel Boney wereit seems likely that he was a grandson of Wimberk. In fact he was Wimberks great grandson.
The Descendants of Jacob Boney and Eva Zeller Boney, 9 August 1987 First Draft Edition, author(s) not listed. (Horace Fussell, Jr. is the only named contributor in my copy.) This is a thorough listing of five generations of the Boney family, starting with the immigrant family of Jacob and Eva and their children. It is the only source I have seen that mentions the Frenkendorf Parish Register (from whence comes our knowledge of the Boni family in Switzerland), so presumably one of the authors actually researched the register or commissioned someone to do so.
Decendants of Marshall Hooks Matthis, to November 1977, author(s) not listed.
Some of the Robinsons of Southeastern North Carolina, compiled by Lizzie Robinson Boney and Roland E. Matthis. Records the known descendants of the William Robinson who moved from Bladen to Sampson in 176263, left a will dated May 15, 1841 and probated May, 1843. Lizzie Robinson Boney is our Aunt Lizzie, married to Landrons brother Matt. She is also related to us by blood, on both sides of the family: her great grandparents John R. and Catherine Bradley Ezzell are also Landrons great grandparents, and also Jessies great-great grandparents (and this is how Landron and Jessie were second cousins once removed); her great grandparents George W. and Margaret Matthis Robinson are Jessies great-great grandparents.
Notes collected by Phyllis Mathis Borden from various sources, including The Heritage Sampson County, Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia, and Sampson County records.
World Wide Web
The rise of the World Wide Web has created an explosion of genealogical information, in a clear example of the best and worst aspects of the Web. It is now much easier to find and correspond with other genealogical researchers. There are many valuable documents, genealogies, and family stories that are not easily available elsewhere. There is also an incredible amount of trash. Errors spread quickly on the Web, and many of the family trees and histories posted on personal websites are fatally flawed.
This list will be added as soon as I can get around to it!