

Technical details behind is currently a mix of Textpattern (the stuff linked at the top of this page), ancient static pages I haven’t gotten round to doing anything about (most everything else, accessible from the home page), and some pages generated by Doxygen.

Do not blame Textpattern for the visual design, which is entirely my own fault. Graphics toolkit mainly OmniGraffle and GraphicConverter, with any heavier-duty photo processing in Affinity Photo, Acorn, and Iridient Developer. Text manipulation by BBEdit. FTP via Yummy FTP. MySQL management through Sequel Pro. Some of the code formatting by Prism.

Developed locally on Mac OS X, usually while listening to WCPE. Live site hosted by Dreamhost (not an affilate link).

Active Textpattern plugins:

arc_redirectLove redirects, hate 404s
rah_external_outputOutput external content-type snippets
rah_plugin_downloadPublic plugin downloads directly from database
rah_unlog_meExclude IPs from visitor Logs
smd_where_usedFind which forms/pages/articles/plugins/text have been used where in your design
soo_article_filterCreate filtered list of articles before sending to txp:article or txp:article_custom
soo_article_image_reduxProof of concept for the soo_txp_obj library
soo_category_listModified cbs_category_list
soo_editareaIntegrate the EditArea admin-side code editor
soo_if_frontpageCheck if page is a section front page
soo_imageSimple yet powerful image tags
soo_modifiedTags for article modification dates
soo_multidocCreate structured multi-page documents
soo_multidoc_adminAdminister Multidoc collections
soo_page_breakPagination within an article
soo_page_numbersArticle list nav and page count widgets
soo_plugin_displayDisplay info about installed plugins
soo_plugin_prefPlugin preference manager
soo_required_filesLoad JavaScript and CSS files per article
soo_tocAuto-generate table of contents for an article
soo_txp_objSupport library for Txp plugins
soo_unparsedDisplay unparsed Txp code
soo_wordfestWord game for article comments
zem_contact_rebornForm mailer for Textpattern

Posted 2008-01-31 (last modified 2017-02-18)