soo_txp_obj API Documentation

soo_html Class Reference

Abstact base class for (X)HTML elements. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($element_name, $atts, $content=null, $is_empty=0)
 id ($id)
 Validate and set id attribute.
 contents ($content)
 Add string|object|array to $contents array.
 tag ()
 Create (X)HTML tag(s) string for this element.

Protected Member Functions

 html_escape ($property)
 Convert $this->$property with htmlspecialchars().

Protected Attributes

Inherent properties

 $element_name = ''
 (X)HTML element name
 $is_empty = 0
 container (false) or empty element (true)
 $contents = array()
 Element content array (strings or soo_html objects).
Common (X)HTML attributes

 $class = ''
 $dir = ''
 $id = ''
 $lang = ''
 $onclick = ''
 $ondblclick = ''
 $onkeydown = ''
 $onkeypress = ''
 $onkeyup = ''
 $onmousedown = ''
 $onmousemove = ''
 $onmouseout = ''
 $onmouseover = ''
 $onmouseup = ''
 $style = ''
 $title = ''

Detailed Description

Abstact base class for (X)HTML elements.

Definition at line 954 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

soo_html::__construct ( element_name,
content = null,
is_empty = 0 


element_name (X)HTML element name
atts Attributes (array of name=>value pairs)
content Element content (string, soo_html object, or array thereof)

Reimplemented in soo_html_list.

Definition at line 997 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

Member Function Documentation

soo_html::contents ( content  ) 

Add string|object|array to $contents array.


Reimplemented in soo_html_table.

Definition at line 1027 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

soo_html::html_escape ( property  )  [protected]

Convert $this->$property with htmlspecialchars().

property Attribute name
string (X)HTML-escaped attribute value

Definition at line 1081 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

soo_html::id ( id  ) 

Validate and set id attribute.

Important: (X)HTML attribute, NOT a database ID!

id (must begin with a letter)

Definition at line 1013 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

soo_html::tag (  ) 

Create (X)HTML tag(s) string for this element.

Recursively tags contained elements


Definition at line 1054 of file soo_txp_obj.php.

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 All Classes Functions Variables