A message from the USCA President
On behalf of the members and staff of the USCA, it is my pleasure to welcome the players and visitors to the 2003 MacRobertson Shield Croquet World Series. We are indeed honored to host this prestigious event for the first time in the United States. It is certainly an event that defines excellence in Croquet.
As you spend time at the National Croquet Center (NCC) during these next two weeks, I hope you’ll catch the vision of what Chuck Steuber and so many other workers and contributors think croquet can become. You’ll see that this shared vision of having a showcase facility for the sport is now a reality. And it’s already bearing fruit in attracting new enthusiasts.
The NCC is the home of the National Croquet Club, which has nearly 300 members after only 18 months of operation. Organized croquet is attractive as a sport and as a social medium to a wide variety of people. And we think it can claim its place as a cherished pastime in the hearts of many more people.
During your visit, there will be several volunteers and staffers available to assist you at the Center. In addition, you’ll probably meet some of the National Croquet Club members. We hope you’ll enjoy your time here and that you’ll return as often as you can.
With best regards,
Richard L Brackett
United States Croquet Association