
Player match statistics for the 2003 Series

Below is a table showing how many matches were won and successful peeling turns (triples or better, in both singles and doubles) were completed by each player. Each player played nine doubles and six singles matches during the Series. Robert Fulford completed three sextuple peels (one in each test match); all other peeling turns noted were triples. There were 174 successful peeling turns in 296 games, that is, about 59% of games.

 Matches Won 
Player NameSinglesDoublesTotalTP up
Avery, Mark581313
Bassett, Trevor45913
Bryant, Greg2245
Bulloch, Dennis4481
Burrow, Matthew1454
Clarke, Chris35812
Clarke, Martin37102
Drake, Curtis2464
Fleming, Bruce371014
Forster, Stephen4378
Fournier, Jacques34711
Fulford, Robert551012
Garrison, Toby2465
Hockey, Simon3588
Louw, Wynand3364
Maugham, David581314
Meatheringham, Stephen0330
Mulliner, Stephen5499
Parkinson, Peter3255
Prince, John2465
Rosenberry, Ken1344
Stark, Jerry551011
Taves, John2575
Wislang, Brian2465