

Pagination within a single article

  1. Background
  2. Download & install
  3. Page breaks & titles
  4. Page display and links
  5. Full plugin help text

Full plugin help text

Including detailed tag attribute descriptions, and additional usage examples.

Courtesy soo_plugin_display


This is a plugin for Textpattern. It provides a suite of tags for handling articles with body text marked up according to a couple of very simple rules: indicate page breaks with "[​break]" (or another delimiter of your choice), and somewhere after the break put a heading element (h1, h2, etc.) containing the title for that page.

See for further description to and download the latest version, or grab the the compiled code from the GitHub repo. Either way, copy the full contents of the compiled file and paste into the Textpattern plugin installer, and follow the instructions from there.



This plugin was developed on Textpattern 4.6 and has not been tested on earlier versions. It should run on any system capable of running Txp 4.6.2 or later. It does not install anything other than itself in the database (no extra tables, nor even prefs, although prefs might come in a later version) and is public-side only, not changing the admin side in any way. It does not require custom fields.

All of these tags require article context.


Add page breaks to an article by inserting "[​break]" (the default delimiter) or other delimiter of your choice. For Textile-enabled articles be sure to surround the break delimiter with blank lines, otherwise the break may occur in the middle of an HTML element, producing invalid HTML output. Do not use HTML special characters in your break delimiter, unless you are certain it will never undergo Textile transformation.

For example:

"No," said Mr. Prendergast.


h2. Chapter Eight

soo_article_page is a drop-in replacement for body. If the article has page breaks, it will output the page indicated by the URL. soo_page_break uses the standard Txp pagination context (i.e., the pg parameter in the URL's query string). Txp doesn't apply pagination to individual articles, so soo_page_break does not conflict with standard Txp behavior.

The rest of the tags depend on having a soo_article_page tag earlier in the article tag or form. You can run soo_article_page in quiet mode if necessary. It caches the pages it finds, so there should be no real performance hit for running it twice, even for a very long article.

soo_article_page_title returns the contents of the first HTML heading element (i.e., h1, h2, etc.) in a page. Rather than using the tag directly, it is generally more useful to access it through the text-replacement feature of soo_article_page_link or soo_article_page_nav, as in the following example,

<txp:soo_article_page_link text="{title}" />

which displays a link to the next page, using the page title as the link text.

soo_article_page_number displays page info, e.g. "Page 1 of 4". soo_article_page_link outputs a link to the first, previous, next, or last page, or to a particular page number. soo_article_page_nav outputs a nav widget for all pages in the article. By default it uses page numbers as link text, but can be configured to show page titles and/or other text.

soo_if_article_page is a conditional with various possible tests pertaining to article pages.

soo_article_page_search_url can be used in a search results form to link to the first article page matching the search term.



<txp:soo_article_page />


If using a delimiter other than the default [​break], and using more than one soo_article_page tag in an article form, set the custom delimiter attribute in the first of the soo_article_page tags.


<txp:soo_article_page_title />



<txp:soo_article_page_number />



<txp:soo_article_page_link />


Required: by default this produces a link to the next page, per the rel attribute. If you change rel to something other than first, last, or prev, you must set page_number to a valid article page number to get the tag to produce a link.


<txp:soo_article_page_nav />



   Output if true
<txp:else />
   Output if false


Possible conditional tests:

No attributes:
Does the article have multiple pages?
Is this the first page of a multi-page article?
Is this the last page of a multi-page article?
Is this a page other than the first page?
Is this a page other than the last page?
first="0" last="0"
Is this a page other than the first or last page?


<txp:soo_article_page_search_url /> <!-- Link text is the URL -->

<txp:soo_article_page_search_url>Link text</txp:soo_article_page_search_url>



In an article form

<txp:soo_article_page quiet="1" delimiter="[page break]" />
    <h2><txp:title /></h2>
    <txp:soo_article_page_number wraptag="p" />
    <txp:soo_article_page />
    <txp:soo_article_page_nav wraptag="ul" break="li" />

Running soo_article_page in quiet mode is necessary here because the soo_article_page_number tag comes before the article body (i.e., the second soo_article_page tag). Note that a custom delimiter must be set in the first of those tags.

This form would work fine for normal (i.e., single-page) articles too, where soo_article_page_number and soo_article_page_nav will output nothing, and soo_article_page will output the entire article body.

Different article forms for single-page and multi-page articles

   <txp:soo_article_page quiet="1" />
       <txp:article form="paginated" />
   <txp:else />
       <txp:article />

Conditional text for formatting page links

<txp:soo_article_page />
<txp:soo_article_page_link rel="prev" text="{prev} {page}" />
<txp:soo_if_article_page first="0" last="0"> — </txp:soo_if_article_page>
<txp:soo_article_page_link rel="next" text="{next} {page}" />

Because the prev and next links are not set to showalways, we only want the separator text on a middle page, when both links are visible.

In a search-results article form

<txp:soo_article_page quiet="1" />
<h3><txp:soo_article_page_search_url><txp:title /></txp:soo_article_page_search_url></h3>
<p><txp:search_result_excerpt limit="2" />
    <br />
    <small><txp:soo_article_page_search_url /> : <txp:search_result_date /></small>

soo_article_page_nav as a numbered widget, à la Google

<txp:soo_article_page_nav />

soo_article_page_nav as a table of contents

<txp:soo_article_page_nav wraptag="ul" break="li" text="{pg}. {title}" />


<txp:soo_article_page_nav wraptag="ol" break="li" text="{title}" />


0.1.2 (2017-03-11)

0.1.1 (2017-03-09)

0.1.0 (2017-03-08)

Initial release.

Posted 2017-03-09 (last modified 2017-03-10)

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