Tournament News

The Cordingley Reports, Volume 2: GB v. AUS

Editor’s note: Phil Cordingley is the Team Manager for the Great Britain team. He will be writing reports from the British perspective. This page will be updated daily (or so).

See also:

Cordingley vol. 1
Cordingley vol. 3


Day 6—Summary
Day 7—Summary
Day 8—Summary
Day 9—Summary
Day 10—Summary

Day 6 Summary

GB shades first round of doubles 2-1 on first day of Test against Australia. Both teams entered the Test having beaten their opponents 15-6 in the previous round, Australia upsetting the form books with their win over New Zealand.. So this could well be the critical test of the series with, in some scenarios, the winners not needing to win their final test to clinch the Shield. Before the start, the British view was that a good start, if not completely crucial, would certainly make life a lot easier.

Clarke (Chris) & Fulford v. Clarke (Martin) & Fleming

Game 1: Fulford lays standard E boundary ball. Fleming lays Duffer. Chris misses Duffer from corner III, hitting hoop 6. Martin hits Duffer and goes to 4b with a spread. Chris misses long lift. Fleming clangs 1, wired from Fulford. Fulford misses partner in corner IV from hoop 1. Fleming fails tricky hoop 1. Fulford TPOs Martin, popping Fleming to 2, leaving Chris in corner I and himself in corner IV. Fleming goes off middle of S boundary sending corner IV ball towards hoop 2 going to corner I. Fulford goes back to corner IV. Fleming misses into IV. Fulford rushes Fleming to N boundary and lays for Chris up aginst the wire of hoop 1 (un-rushable to 2, Fleming’s hoop).. Fleming goes to E boundary level with 4. Chris roquets partner on wire of 1, but can’t approach to get rush to E boundary, so lays up wired by 1. Fleming goes to E boundary level with 6. Chris makes 1, rushes to Fleming, rushes to 2 and clangs trying to run 2 foot hoop hard to the boundary. Fleming trickles off 6 yarder at ball by 2 and finishes.

Avery & Maugham v. Forster & Meatheringham

Game 1: Forster lays standard E boundary ball. Avery lays Duffer. Meatheringham misses Duffer to 5yards off A baulk. Maugham rushes this through hoop 5 and goes to 4b with an NSL. Forster misses long lift. Avery grovels through 1 but hits. Makes hoop 3 with no forward rush. Rolls to 4 & 5 in preference to taking off to ball in corner IV, but finishes anyway after peeling 4b going to 1b and completing the straight double.

Burrow & Mulliner v. Bassett & Hockey

Game 1: Bassett lays standard E boundary ball. Burrow lays Duffer. Hockey misses Duffer to rover. Mulliner hits Duffer and goes to 4B with an NSL. Hockey misses long lift. Burrow misses hampered shot after hoop 2. Bassett hits from hoop 3 to hoop 2 and almost puts partner off the W boundary rolling to hoop 1 from corner IV. Runs hoop 1, but misses 8 yarder at partner. Mulliner misses from hoop 2 into corner I. Hockey goes to 4b from resultant corner I cannon, laying an OSL. Burrow hits the short shot, but hits hoop 4 rushing to partner on the W boundary and is forced to lay up on the W boundary by hoop 1. Basset misses these from hoop 3. Burrow sticks on hoop 3 on opponent’s forward ball. Hockey has a leave. Mulliner misses. Bassett gets going, but misses 3 yarder on hoop 3 pioneer into 4b. Burrow hits from hoop 4 and goes to the peg with a spread having completed one peel. Bassett misses short lift. Mulliner penult. and rover off partner, but with no rush to the peg, so lays up. Bassett hits from N to S boundary. Jawses 4b peel after hoop 3 going to escape ball by corner II, hits peg rolling to 4 & 5, and misses hoop 4 pioneer. Burrow misses from hoop 4 to 5. Bassett hits partner in 4b from S boundary. Makes 4 and 5, and rushes to E boundary. Now hits ankle palying croquet stroke, so leaving himself 10 yards short of peelee, and what should have been the 1b pioneer by 6 such that it has a rush to the peg. Which Mulliner duly takes to finish after Bassett misses the 10 yarder.

Day 7 Summary

Great Britain wins first round of singles 4-2 to lead Australia 6-3 in Test. GB shot off to a 4 match lead as Fulford, Clarke, Maugham and Mulliner all won in straight games by lunchtime, leaving the final two matches to battle out their deciding games. To their credit, the Australians took both to stay in touch overall. Indeed Simon Hockey engineered the most exciting of comebacks to beat yesterday’s hero Matt Burrow when he was all but over the line.

Fulford v. Fleming

Game 1: Fulford lays supershot. Fleming goes to optimum position on E boundary. Fulford hits down E boundary and goes to 4b, leaving partner an E boundary rush on opponent ball to partner on W boundary level with 2. Fleming misses short lift shot. Fulford finishes.

Clarke v. Bassett

Game 1: Clarke lays standard E boundary ball. Bassett lays standard W boundary tice. Clarke misses partner from A baulk. Bassett misses double from B baulk into corner IV. Clarke goes to 4b with a spread. Bassett misses long lift. Clarke goes to the peg, but does no peeling after having to rebuild his break when the hoop 4 pioneer ends up at hoop 5 via the peg after hoop 2. He leaves opponent balls on back of 4b and rover, neither rushable to hoop 1, and lies up tight in corner IV. Bassett lifts the ball at 4b and misses half ball target at rover. Clarke finishes.

Maugham v. Clarke

Game 1: Maugham lays peg high supershot. Clarke hits, sends Maugham to anti-Duffer position, and lays Duffer himself?! Maugham gets first break and goes to 4b with an NSL. Clarke hits long lift and completes a TPO, peeling rover going to 4b. Negotiates an untidy finish when he ends up with nothing S of the hoop when running rover and a 4 yarder on partner after the peg out. Rolls both balls off E boundary, one into corner IV and one level with the peg. Maugham now hits four 25 yard or longer shots, only progressing to hoop 2. At which point Clarke sticks in hoop 2 on partner, Maugham hits his fifth long shot, this time from corner 1, and finishes.

Burrow v. Hockey

Game 1: Hockey lays anti-Duffer. Burrow lays Duffer anyway. Hockey hits the Duffer, fails to get a rush to 1 and has a dream leave. Burrow misses down the East boundary. Hockey goes to 4b, with an OSL leaving himself a rush to corner IV. Burrow takes the short lift shot anyway, but misses. Hockey misses hampered shot after penult. with the peelee waiting at rover for the straight peel.. Burrow gets going, but is faulted (push shot) hitting hampered shot after 1b. Hockey runs rover and lays up. Burrow hits partner from rover to the W boundary level with hoop 2, goes to the peg with a reverse OSL. Hockey misses. Burrow finishes from 2b.

Avery v. Forster

Game 1: Forster lays standard E boundary ball. Avery goes to 1 foot N of coner IV.. F misses into IV. Avery hits double in IV, fails to approach hoop 1 and retires to partner by hoop 2. Forster hits from hoop 1 to 2 and lays up on the E boundary. Avery misses from hoop 1 to 2. Forster fails to approach hoop 1 and retires to partner at hoop 3. A very bisects the double at hoop three from hoop 1. Forster gets going but clangs hoop 3. Avery lays up by hoop 1. Forsater misses from hoop 3 to 4. Avery fails to approach hoop 1. Forster hits with hoop 1 ball and goes to 4b with a spread. Avery misses long lift. Forster goes to the peg, completing the 4b peel going to 1b and a posthumous penult. peel, and lays an OSL. Avery misses from the peg at Forster on the E boundary. Forster finishes.

Mulliner v. Meatheringham

Game 1: Mulliner lays supershot. Meatheringham goes to optimum position on E boundary. Mulliner misses Meatheringham from B baulk, joining with it. Meatheringham hits on the E boundary, but misses cut rush after running hoop 1. Mulliner misses partner on N boundary, joining up. Meatheringham misses Mulliner from E boundary level with hoop 4. Mulliner goes to 4b with a spread. Meatheringham misses long lift. Mulliner gets going but takes off short to corner IV after hoop 3 and misses. Meatheringham fails to approach hoop 2 and lays up behind it. Mulliner misses partner on S boundary behind hoop 4 from hoop 3. Meatheringham goes to 4b with a spread. Mulliner misses ball at peg from corner III. Meatheringham goes to the peg with no peels and lays a "B" spread. Mulliner hits from peg, goes to peg with no peels, pegs out Meatheringham leaving his balls 3 yards N of IV and W boundary wired from approach to 4b by hoop 6. Meatheringham misses Mulliner’s peg ball. Mulliner attempts a leave but has to separate.. Meatheringham misses the peg ball again. Mulliner lays up in corner IV. Meatheringham misses. Mulliner goes to the peg but only pegs one ball off.. Meatheringham misses subsequent 6 yarder. Mulliner pegs out.

Day 7 Summary

GB again shades doubles 2-1 to lead Australia 8-4 overall.

Clarke & Fulford v. Forster & Meatheringham

Game 1: Forster lays standard E boundary ball. Clarke goes to corner II. Meatheringham misses partner down the E boundary into corner IV. Fulford hits in corner IV, goes to 4b popping F to 3 and lays with opponent hoop 3 ball just out of corner IV, opponent hoop 1 ball in middle of W boundary. Clarke tight in corner II with a rush to corner I. Meatheringham misses short lift. Clarke digs out standard TP. He fails to put peelee in position from nowhere approaching 6, but recovers by immediately rushing 2b pioneer to 2b and returning to do a take off penult. Peel going to 1b. Finishes.

Avery & Maugham v. Bassett & Hockey

Game 1: Bassett lays anti-Duffer. Avery goes 1 foot N of corner II. Hockey joins partner on E boundary, leaving 4-5 foot rush towards the peg. Maugham misses down the E boundary. Hockey rushes to nowhere useful, so lays up in corner III. Avery misses from II into III. Bassett misses hampered shot on Maugham after hoop 1. Maugham goes to 4b with an NSL. Bassett hits long lift, makes 1 but fails to approach 2, laying up with partner behind 2. Maugham hits behind 2 from hoop 1 and lays up in corner IV. Hockey misses from hoop 1 into IV. Avery hits his hampered shot after 1, plays a good take off to get a rush on the ball just out of IV, but ends up on the back of 1b with a takeoff approach to hoop 2 from the N boundary, so retires to W boundary level with 2. Bassett misses from hoop 2 to 3. Maugham hits partner on W boundary from hoop 1. Lays up by hoop 2 with opponents balls on E boundary level with 3 and a few feet off S boundary behind 4. Hockey plays S boundary ball to corner I. Avery overcomes getting hampered on hoop 5 pioneer after split out of corner 1, and goes to the peg with no peels leaving a spread.. (Thus the Australian cornering has probably earned them another lift shot, rather than the 30 yarder they gave up in return). Hockey misses the short lift. Maugham finishes.

Burrow & Mulliner v. Clarke & Fleming

Game 1: Mulliner lays standard E boundary ball. Fleming lays Duffer tice. Burrow hits partner from A baulk. Rolls to Duffer, has a dream leave after failing to get rush on Duffer to 1. C hits double from B baulk and goes to 4b with an NSL. Mulliner misses the long lift. Fleming finishes, rushing partner back to do the 4b peel after 4.

Day 8 Summary

GB again shades doubles 2-1 to lead Australia 8-4 overall.

Clarke & Fulford v. Forster & Meatheringham

Game 1: Forster lays standard E boundary ball. Clarke goes to corner II. Meatheringham misses partner down the E boundary into corner IV. Fulford hits in corner IV, goes to 4b popping F to 3 and lays with opponent hoop 3 ball just out of corner IV, opponent hoop 1 ball in middle of W boundary. Clarke tight in corner II with a rush to corner I. Meatheringham misses short lift. Clarke digs out standard TP. He fails to put peelee in position from nowhere approaching 6, but recovers by immediately rushing 2b pioneer to 2b and returning to do a take off penult. Peel going to 1b. Finishes.

Avery & Maugham v. Bassett & Hockey

Game 1: Bassett lays anti-Duffer. Avery goes 1 foot N of corner II. Hockey joins partner on E boundary, leaving 4-5 foot rush towards the peg. Maugham misses down the E boundary. Hockey rushes to nowhere useful, so lays up in corner III. Avery misses from II into III. Bassett misses hampered shot on Maugham after hoop 1. Maugham goes to 4b with an NSL. Bassett hits long lift, makes 1 but fails to approach 2, laying up with partner behind 2. Maugham hits behind 2 from hoop 1 and lays up in corner IV. Hockey misses from hoop 1 into IV. Avery hits his hampered shot after 1, plays a good take off to get a rush on the ball just out of IV, but ends up on the back of 1b with a takeoff approach to hoop 2 from the N boundary, so retires to W boundary level with 2. Bassett misses from hoop 2 to 3. Maugham hits partner on W boundary from hoop 1. Lays up by hoop 2 with opponents balls on E boundary level with 3 and a few feet off S boundary behind 4. Hockey plays S boundary ball to corner I. Avery overcomes getting hampered on hoop 5 pioneer after split out of corner 1, and goes to the peg with no peels leaving a spread.. (Thus the Australian cornering has probably earned them another lift shot, rather than the 30 yarder they gave up in return). Hockey misses the short lift. Maugham finishes.

Burrow & Mulliner v. Clarke & Fleming

Game 1: Mulliner lays standard E boundary ball. Fleming lays Duffer tice. Burrow hits partner from A baulk. Rolls to Duffer, has a dream leave after failing to get rush on Duffer to 1. C hits double from B baulk and goes to 4b with an NSL. Mulliner misses the long lift. Fleming finishes, rushing partner back to do the 4b peel after 4.

Day 9 Summary

GB has its eigth unbeaten day in nine (the other being drawn) to win the second round of singles 4-2 against Australia, thus establishing an unassailable 12-6 lead in the test. The final round of three doubles will be played tomorrow.

Fulford v. Bassett

Game 1: Fulford lays supershot. Bassett goes to optimium position on E boundary. Fulford hits down E boundary, goes to 4b with a dream leave, with the rush from E boundary on opponent ball. Bassett hits from A baulk, goes to 4b with an NSL. Fulford hits the long lift, sets up standard TP, but has trouble with the 4b peel, finally rush peeling it after 6. Eventually he clangs 4b himself, trying to run it to the boundary with the peelee waiting in the jaws of penult. Striker’s ball stays in front of 4b, so neither it nor peelee are rushable to hoops 1 or 2. Bassett lifts hoop 1 ball and rushes partner just off B baulk to penult. Cannons the ball out of the jaws, but mis-hits hoop 1 rush to hoop 4, in such a position that he can’t try rolling off 1. Retires to partner by penult. Fulford hits with the penult ball from hoop 4 to penult. and goes to the peg. Lays up in corner III with opponent’s hoop 1 ball on 4b wired from corner III and 4b ball in corner I. Bassett misses from 4b to I. Fulford finishes.

Clarke v. Fleming

Game 1: Clarke to East boundary level with peg. Fleming to 9 inches S of corner II. Clarke tries to lag to partner, but leaves a double from B baulk. Fleming hits double from B baulk, goes to 4b with an NSL. Clarke hits the long lift but fails hoop 1 off partner. Fleming hits from 2 to 1 with forward ball and lays up. Clarke misses from middle of E boundary to corner II. Fleming finishes.

Burrow v. Clarke

Game 1: Clarke lays standard E boundary ball. Burrow lays Duffer. Clarke hits Duffer and has a spread. Burrow misses down E boundary. Clarke gets going but breaks down at 2b with no peels. Burrow sticks in 1. Clarke misses from hoop 2 to hoop 1. Burrow sticks in 2. Clarke takes 4b ball to peg with an OSL. Burrow misses the short lift. Clarke finishes from 2b.

Maugham v. Hockey

Game 1: Hockey lays anti-Duffer. Maugham goes to corner II. Hockey joins on E boundary, leaving rush to corner II. Maugham misses down E boundary. Hockey rushes to N boundary and takes off the lawn trying to get a rush on the corner II ball. Maugham gets going but clangs 4. Hockey goes to 4b with an NSL, but with Maugham’s hoop 1 ball in the jaws of 4, which he is for with his other ball. Maugham lifts hoop 4 ball but misses the short lift. Hockey makes 1 but refuses a 2 yard hoop 2 and retires to partner at hoop 3. Maugham hits with hoop 1 ball from hoop 2 to hoop 4. completes TPO with the aid of a rover peel after 3b. Leaves his balls in corners I & IV. Hockey plays thick take off from IV to I, fails to roll off hoop 2 and retires to IV. Maugham retires peg ball from hoop 2 to corner I. Hockey misses from IV to I. Maugham has a leave with Hockey in corner II and himself tight in corner IV with a rush to 4. Hockey misses from II to IV. Maugham finishes..

Mulliner v. Forster

Game 1: Mulliner lays anti-Duffer. Forster goes to corner II. Mulliner joins on E boundary, leaving rush to peg. Forster misses down E boundary. Mulliner rushes to corner II, fails to approach hoop 1 and retires to corner 2. Forster misses from 1 to II. Mulliner fails to approach1 again, and lays up in corner IV. Forster hits from hoop 1 to corner IV and goes to 4b with a spread. Mulliner misses the long lift. Forster finishes.

Avery v. Meatheringham

Game 1: Avery lays standard E boundary ball. Meatheringham lays standard tice. Avery hits tice and has a dream leave (sic). Meatheringham misses down E boundary. Avery fails to approach 1, retires to partner at 2. Meatheringham moves ball at hoop 1 to middle of E boundary. Avery has a leave. Meatheringham moves ball from E boundary level with 6 to corner IV. Avery takes off the S boundary trying to get a rush to 2. Meatheringham misses from W boundary level with 2 at Avery on S boundary behind 1. Avery goes to 4b with an NSL. Meatheringham misses long lift. Avery hits hoop 6 taking of to hoop 2 pioneer and misses it. Meatheringham misses partner from 2 to 3. Avery misses. Meatheringham plays a good 20 yard take off to get a rush to hoop 2 on partner not far out of corner 2, but then misses it to the peg. Avery misses form hoop 1 to the peg, close to partner by hoop 3. Meatheringham misses from peg at partner just out of II. Avery has a leave in corner III. Meatheringham misses from hoop 2 to corner III. Avery finishes.

Day 10 Summary

Great Britain rounds off the test against Australia with a sweep of the final round of doubles to run out worthy 15-6 winners overall. The critical work was done in the first and second rounds of doubles. GB won the deciding games in the last matches to win the day 2-1 on both occasions, thus establishing 2-1 and 8-4 overall leads, rather than the far more sweaty 1-2 and 7-5 positions which would have resulted had those results gone the other way.

Clarke & Fulford v. Bassett & Hockey

Game 1: Bassett lays anti-Duffer. Clarke lays 2yards ESE of corner II. Hockey misses Clarke from B baulk, leaving single ball. Fulford hits in corner II, grovels through 1, hits slightly hampered shot, then sails to 4b popping Bassett to 3, leaving Basset in corner IV, Hockey in middle of W boundary, laying up on W boundary tight to corner II. Hockey misses partner in IV from A baulk. Clarke finishes.

Avery & Maugham v. Clarke & Fleming

Game 1: Avery lays supershot. Fleming goes to optimum position on E boundary. Maugham hits on E boundary and goes to 4b, all three balls over by W boundary. Clarke misses from corner I. Avery makes 1 with no rush and takes off the lawn going to the ball in corner II. Clarke goes to 4b with an NSL. Avery misses long lift. Fleming gets going, but gets cross pegged from pivot after hoop 5, and misses to the N boundary. Avery hits the ball at 1b from the peg and gets going. Doing straight rover peel, peelee goes through but striker’s ball clangs near wire to un-runnable position. Partially recovers by scattering Fleming (for 6) to middle of E boundary and himself. to corner IV, leaving Clarke (for penult.) joined with Maugham 6 yards off A baulk with a rush to hoop 1. Fleming lifts to A baulk and hits 6 yarder. Sends ball to 2b, rushes to IV, rushes to 6, makes it, rushes to 4 yards S of 1b and sticks in 4 foot hoop on Avery after backward take off. Avery makes rover, goes back to ball by 1b, but hits the peg trying to cut rush it to partner, so lays up in corner IV. Fleming misses from hoop 1 to IV. Maugham pegs out.

Burrow & Mulliner v. Forster & Meatheringham

Game 1 Forster gets 1st break and goes to 4b with an NSL. Burrow misses long lift. Me sticks in 3. Mu lays up in corner II. Forster misses partner by 3 from 1. Mu TPOs Forster with a good turn but with an untidy finish. He completed the peels before 3b, but then rushed the escape ball too close to peelee after 4b, and had to use peelee as rover pioneer. He then managed to stuff this into the peg going to penult., mishit the rush on it, ending up approaching rover from 4 yards with a drive that sent the peelee 2 yards off the S boundary. To ensure the peg out, after rover he rushed partner to the S boundary, but E of peelee so it was difficult to send close to the E boundary. He chose instead to stop it to hoop 4, completed the peg out and went to corner 3. Me tried the direct roll to 3 from corner II for the immediate 3 ball break, tantalisingly finishing a yard short. He takes position establishing the squeeze. Burrow corners from hoop 4 to I. Me runs 3 but fails to approach 4 and retires to S boundary between hoops 4 & 5. Mu corners from hoop 4 to II. Me misses from S boundary to corner II. Mu lays up for Burrow out of corner 1. Me misses from N boundary behind 2 to corner 1. Burrow finishes.