Practicing and playing leaves in USCA croquet

The standard rover leave

Step by step diagrams

diagram 2b 1. Blue has just run penult, and has roqueted yellow.
diagram 2c 2. Yellow is sent to #4 (black’s wicket) while blue goes to black.
diagram 2d 3. Blue has roqueted black and is about to take croquet.
diagram 2e 4. Black has been sent a few yards north and west of rover.
diagram 2f 5. Blue has roqueted red and is about to take crouqet.
diagram 2g 6. Red is sent to the side of rover while blue goes to position.
diagram 2h 7. Blue has just run rover, and is about to roquet red.
diagram 2i 8. Blue has roqueted red and is about to take croquet.
diagram 2j 9. Blue has sent red toward corner II, and is now has a rush on black.
diagram 2k 10. Blue has rushed black and is about to take croquet.
diagram 2l 11. Blue has sent black toward the boundary, and is about to roquet yellow. First, check to see if red has an open shot on black.
diagram 2m 12. Blue has roqueted yellow, and is about to take crouqet.
diagram 2n 13. Yellow has been hidden from red, and blue is in position to run the wicket.
diagram 2o 14. Blue has run the wicket and is now only last-dead on yellow.
diagram 2a 15. Blue joins black. The end result: the standard rover leave

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Copyright 2001–2008 by Jeff Soo.

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Version 1.1
12 February 2001